1. To add a new self-service record, you have to be first on your admin account.

1.1. A self-service record is an account that works similarly like an operator account that is designed for mobile devices with abilities like adding Person, Auto records and using Access codes to register visitors. For more information about how to use the Person and/or Auto modules from a self-service account, see Person and Auto from the operator account.

2. Press on the Integration tab from the menu.

3. Then press on the Self-service tab from below.

4. Then press on the Add button on the right side of the menu.

5. Then select one of the following options:

  • Tablet – this version is more compact on features in order to be used for mobile devices
  • Kiosk – this version has more features and can also be used on any device

6. Here you will have to fill in the required fields in order to add a self-service record.

7. After filling in the fields, you can either press on the: 

  • Back button – this will return you to the list of self-service records.
  • Save & exit button – this will create a record based on the completed form and return you to the list of self-service records.
  • Save & new button – this will create a record based on the completed form and show a new form to create a new self-service record.

8. Once the new self-service record is created, go to the log-in screen and fill the fields with the username and password from the newly created account.


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