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The Central Point of Operations
The headquarters for most of the access operations that can be made inside the app.

Custom Locations
Customize the location with information and different kind of settings based on your specific business needs.
[/stack_cards][stack_cards layout=”small-top-icon” icon=”icon-Car-3″]Main Fleet
Create your fleet based on the vehicles that belong to the company on a existing location.
[/stack_cards]Multiple Access Points
Create multiple distinct access points and use them for different kind of operations from within the location.
[/stack_cards][stack_cards layout=”small-top-icon” icon=”icon-Data-Storage”]Data Storage
Specify how many days the location should retain the access data stored before it gets deleted.
[/stack_cards]Defined Roles for Better Management
Get things done more efficiently with multiple types of users that can do specific operations and tasks.
The user that manages your subscription, settings, users and locations.
[/stack_cards][stack_cards layout=”small-top-icon” icon=”icon-Search-People”]Inspector
The user that performs checks and audits on the existing visitors access.
The user that creates and tracks recordings of visitors access from the location
[/stack_cards][stack_cards layout=”small-top-icon” icon=”icon-Office”]Resident
The user that performs resident related functions, tasks and actions
Making Communities More Efficient
Communities of residents can become more organized with tools of access at their disposal.

Defined Residents
Residents can be created inside the app in order to benefit from more options when it comes to visitor access.
[/stack_cards][stack_cards layout=”small-top-icon” icon=”icon-Phone-SMS”]SMS Access
Instead of using the normal check-in approach, residents can use SMS to let visitors in, reducing the access time.
[/stack_cards]Become a Host
Gather guests with special links that you can generate inside the app and use them everywhere on the web.
[/stack_cards][stack_cards layout=”small-top-icon” icon=”icon-Building”]Resident User
Operators can also become resident users that can help other residents from a location with visitor access.
[/stack_cards]Scheduled Meetings at Any Time
Start meetings by reserving available rooms inside a location.
Reserve a Meeting Room
Reserve a room in order to occupy it and make appointments.
[/stack_cards][stack_cards layout=”small-top-icon” icon=”icon-Calendar-2″]Calendar Interface
See appointments in a different way by visually interacting with them from a calendar view.
[/stack_cards]Schedule a Meeting
Make the necessary information adjustments for upcoming appointments.
[/stack_cards][stack_cards layout=”small-top-icon” icon=”icon-Bulleted-List”]Meeting Lists
See how many appointments a room has or if a room has appointments already scheduled and when it becomes available.
Parking for Incoming Traffic
Cars can have their own spots on locations with the parking system module.

Physical Parking
Register the physical parking area inside the app for in order to manage parking lots.
[/stack_cards][stack_cards layout=”small-top-icon” icon=”icon-Map-Marker2″]Parking Spots
Register individual parking spots inside the app for visitor access use.
[/stack_cards]Parking Lots
Register existing parking lots inside the app in order to use parking spots.
[/stack_cards][stack_cards layout=”small-top-icon” icon=”icon-Phone-2″]Parking Contacts
Assign trustworthy contacts in order for them to use an already reserved parking spot.
[/stack_cards]Planned Time for Visitors and You
Secure your and others’ time with planned events on locations.
Specify Event Information
Complete the information inside the app to register a proper event.
[/stack_cards][stack_cards layout=”small-top-icon” icon=”icon-Receipt-4″]Registration Forms
Help people register for upcoming events on the web by using using generated form links.
[/stack_cards]Multiple Ongoing Events
You can create multiple events at the same time.
[/stack_cards][stack_cards layout=”small-top-icon” icon=”icon-Edit”]Events for Any Occasion
You can create any kind of event from big to small and can change information about the event before sending forms to the web.
A Different Kind of Visitor
Improve your daily workflow with different types of records.

Person Access
Drastically reduce the time it takes to move from initial concept to production-ready with Stack and Visual Composer.
[/stack_cards][stack_cards layout=”small-top-icon” icon=”icon-Car-3″]Fleet Access
Drastically reduce the time it takes to move from initial concept to production-ready with Stack and Visual Composer.
[/stack_cards]Auto Access
Drastically reduce the time it takes to move from initial concept to production-ready with Stack and Visual Composer.
[/stack_cards][stack_cards layout=”small-top-icon” icon=”icon-Box-Open”]Courier Access
Drastically reduce the time it takes to move from initial concept to production-ready with Stack and Visual Composer.
[/stack_cards]Extensive Range of Features
There are many other available features that can bring significant improvements to your business.
Visitors Count
Visitors count is now available and clearly visible in the top right corner, so you can keep track of your overall incoming traffic.
[/stack_cards]Returning Visitor Auto-Fill
This is a time-saving and error-free feature which proves very useful in locations where visitors access processing is a key element.